Carew International
Carew International

Tip #4 – Bring Your Energy to the Customer

Establishing Positive Contact with the customer is imperative. Bring your energy to the customer and operate in his/her operating reality, not your own.

Your energy is your presence and when you exhibit positive, enthusiastic and caring energy, you position yourself for an extremely successful sales call.

The three elements that will win the buyer’s attention:

  • Attitude
  • Energy
  • Appearance

There are key action steps to help bring your energy to the customer:

  1. Earn Position – Sometimes a sales professional gains position via virtues of a superior product. This is often not an “earned position,” and in today’s hyper-competitive environment does not last very long. To truly earn position, a sales professional has to work hard to continually create new awareness.
  2. Feel Good About the People You’re Calling On – If you do not feel good about the person you are calling on, it is often visible. Customers deserve a positive attitude from their business partner.
  3. “Touch” Everyone – Take time and get to know all of the involved people at the company you are calling on – not just the key contact. People like to be recognized and addressed by name.
  4. Use All Your Assets – Both you and your company have a lot of unique capabilities – leverage and manage these assets to ensure success.
  5. Share Your Excitement – Customers like to deal with energetic, successful people!


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