Upcoming Public Programs

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Upcoming Public Programs |B-more Consulting

We, at B-More Consulting LLP, are affiliates of Carew International USA and proud to present the flagship Sales workshop 'Dimensions of Professional Selling'.

This will be conducted virtually.

We conduct sales development interventions and corporate training workshops, aimed at enhancing skills in the area of Sales, Negotiations, and Leadership.

For over 12 years, our commitment to sales and marketing teams, across India, Middle-East and South-East Asia is to higher productivity and professional selling.

With the pandemic, we smoothly shifted gears to online workshops. Over 500 sales professionals have graduated with the Carew Int., USA workshops, as:

  • # Dimensions of Professional Selling (DPS)
  • # Pathways to Negotiation (PTN)
  • # Results Producing Leadership (RPL)

We now conduct 'on-line public workshops' on a monthly basis and the schedule is given below

Workshop: Dimensions of Professional Selling

Date: 20, 21 October 2021

Time: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

The key topics covered are:

  • Understand the core fundamentals of professional selling
  • Learn effective new skills for dealing with difficult customers (internal and external)
  • Understand how to handle customer objections effectively and professionally
  • Learn the effective method for pitching for business

Fees: Rs 7000 (GST extra) per participant for the 2-day workshop. (Inclusive of GST the amount is Rs.8260/-)

This is an opportunity to experience world-class training in India.

Carew's Ben Knight, Vice President, International is a guest speaker and will sign in from Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

This is an event that will change how one views sales productivity. We are confident that they will immensely benefit from the Workshop.

Please use the convenient Google-form link given below to register for the program:


The last date for registration and payment for the workshop is 13th October 2021.

This is to facilitate couriering the Training kits in time for the workshop.

In addition to the above, the following are the upcoming virtual workshops from Carew Int. USA
( you can register for any of them using the link given above)

November, 17 & 18 2021: Effective Business Communication (EBC)

A holistic communication workshop that explores how to master the new online media of communication: Video confrencing, written, virtual, and presentation skills.

It will result in building the confidence of each participant and produce extraordinary performance in any function of the organization.

A timely and necessary investment in these days of virtual selling and negotiation.

December, 15 & 16 2021: Pathway To Negotiations (PTN), Carew International USA

Pathways to Negotiation (PTN) is a negotiation skills training workshop developed for all professionals.

This program helps professionals in honing their skills in negotiation, with tactics and the strategic use of skills to be able to achieve a profitable transaction.

This is a valuable skill even in times of cut-throat competition and in markets where the price is the largest influencing factor.

The foundation for the PTN program is found in Carew USA's innovative negotiation skills training process.

The PTN process is deeper than the theoretical knowledge of strategic management and the use of tactics. It tries to imbibe practical ways and means of sales training, negotiations, and skill implementation through workshops and hands-on experiences, which may give the trainees a realistic sense of fieldwork.

The program for Pathways to Negotiation (negotiation skills training) may also be useful and restructured according to the needs of different functional departments.

January, 19 &20 2021: Results Producing Leadership (RPL), Carew International USA

This is a workshop where sales managers, who are responsible for a team, examine their roles and how their leadership can impact sales results.

It is a hands-on exercise that defines clearly the leader's responsibilities for developing the sales team members so that each person is a master of sales.

The aspects of coaching, problem-solving, and counseling are worked on so that there is experiential learning.

This is a workshop that is a pre-requisite for building your sales leaders.

Our website: www.bmoreconsulting.net may be visited for more details of the workshops planned

(Dimensions of Professional Selling, Result Producing Leadership, Pathways to Negotiation )

* Terms and Conditions: This program is open to India and the Middle East.

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