Best Corporate Sales Training Program

Corporate Sales Training Programs in India | B-More Consulting

Introduction and What is Current Position

Profit Dimensions (PD) aims to groom your employees with essential financial knowledge and cultivate healthy monetary habits for enhanced decision making all across the board in your organization.

Our corporate sales training India offers solutions to organization including virtual sales training programs that aspire to boost their profitability, accelerate their growth, improve customer retention, ROI, cost reduction, improved efficiency and the power of working towards a common organizational goal.

What the workshop includes:

  • Inculcating financial values such as cost reduction, cash flow, inventory levels, improving sales, returns and more
  • Identifying areas and steps to boost profitability in your organization
  • Understanding the power of teamwork for improved profits
  • Comparison of risk v/s reward ratio in decision making
  • Imparting knowledge about finance basics
  • Techniques to function strategically as well as competitively

At our corporate training workshop, the team players who are the are made owners of virtual company and they have to meet the shareholder’s expectations within the specified timeframe. The participants get a first-hand impression of how the organization works, how the money flows, reducing costs, improving bottom line, achieving growth etc. Moreover, they get an understanding of how small, often ignored decisions can have a major impact on the bottom line of the organization.

Like all Carew Corporate Sales Training programs, Profit Dimension too is aimed at giving practical training and is not just limited to the academics.

The theoretical concepts and skills taught at the workshop can easily be translated into scalable solutions for your organization that could give profound, long-term positive changes to your business.

At the end of the corporate sales training program, the participants are required to create a report summarizing and prioritizing the action plans learned throughout the program.

PD Program Overview

Phase I - Simulation Game
  • Here the participants will be introduced to key financial concepts in an entertaining, interactive and fun way.
  • The participants become the owners of a realistic organization and have to improve the company’s profitability within 3 years' time.

Participants Learn:
  • The inflow and outflow of money within the organization, how to achieve important targets such as growth, profit, reduce costs and maintain the cash flow.
  • The interconnection between various departments such as production, purchase, transportation, customer service, accounting, inventory, sales etc within the organization and how each one influences company’s profitability
  • An understanding of how decisions taken today lead to irreversible, long-lasting effects in the short term.

Phase II - The 1% Difference

Awareness is created in the participants about the intense impact even their smallest decision has on the organization’s profitability. An understanding is imparted in the participants about how even minor positive change such as reducing the cost by 1%, improving productivity by 1% creates a massive, long-lasting impact on the company’s profitability. As the best sales trainer in India, we present several “1% scenarios” and connect it to the final balance sheet figures to instill in the employees a sense of responsibility and alertness in every decision they take on behalf of the organization, how each of them can positively contribute towards the organization’s success!

Phase III - Customized Applications Exercise
  • Profit Dimensions convert the skills and concepts into scalable solutions that can be applied to your business.
  • The participants engage in brainstorming, identifying ideas that could translate into improvement in efficiency and have a long-lasting impact on your company profits.
  • Once the ideas are penned down, they are prioritized on the basis of their success potential and the degree of financial implication it would have.
  • Last but not least, the participants prepare a summary report which highlights the action plans in order of importance they have in terms of improving the bottom line of the organization, thereby giving you a clear-cut competitive advantage!

Our corporate sales training programs in India allows professionals to maximize their sales performance & drive positive results. As the best sales trainers in Mumbai, we are one of the leading providers of corporate sales training. We deliver essential skills through our expert sales courses including sales leadership development program. Contact us to know more about our sales training program.

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